29th January 2009

Road reinforcement nearly complete. Village Way no longer a ridge as the ground has been made up almost level.
All top soil in a heap in NE corner of site.
Hole gets bigger and bigger by the day.

23rd January 2009

Today, a hive of inactivity!
My guess is a combination of the work being up on schedule and the wet weather, (there's a big pond formed at the bottom of the site), so the workers have been given the day off.
However, it could be industrial action, run out of diesel, the plague, or they've been kidnapped by aliens.
The neat and tidy state of the site suggests the former.
Looking forwards to a bit more action next week.

13th January 2009

Village Way is now a ridge, 6m above the ground either side.
Trench alongside south side of Village Way.
Two archeologists sitting in little holes scraping away with their trowels.
Big heap of chalk, main hole just gets bigger and bigger.
All sorts going on.

8th January 2009

Lots of digger, dumper, lorry action.
Little group of archeologists sifting soil on south side of Village Way.
Main hole getting bigger and deeper.
Pile of concrete reinforcement mesh in corner.